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60 Minutes' interview with former CIA official Mike Morell was more like a press briefing than an interview with a powerful figure who has never been asked questions by a TV journalist.

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No, You Still Can't Trust What the NSA Says

One of the most incendiary revelations from the documents released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden suggests that the NSA's mass collection of phone records isn't confined to the United States....

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NSA Stenography at CBS

CBS covers latest NSA revelations by telling viewers that the NSA is getting better at rebutting its critics.

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It's Sunday and It's Snowden

It's Sunday, and that means time for the network chat shows to present one-sided discussions about the NSA, Edward Snowden and mass surveillance.

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Snowden Is a Janitor Working for the Russians

If lawmakers are making unfounded allegations about a whistleblower, and those allegations are being repeated across the media, one might think the real problem is with a media culture.

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FAIR TV: Snowden on Sunday TV, New Pundits, USA Today on Fracking's Riches

Everyone seems to agree that Edward Snowden started an important debate over NSA surveillance. But on the Sunday chat shows, debate isn't what you're likely to see. And CNN and CBS add new...

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The NSA Built a 'Time Machine'–but Washington Post Won't Say Where

The Washington Post is reporting that the NSA is able to store every phone call made in an entire nation and replay them for up to 30 days. Not only can the agency do this, but there is a country where...

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ABC's 'Raging Debate' Over Edward Snowden

ABC's This Week: Edward Snowden sparked a "raging debate"--so here are two guests who don't like what he did.

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Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and the Courtier Press

Glenn Greenwald's new book tells the Snowden story--and takes aim at the corporate media.

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FAIR TV: Snowden, Palestinian Brass Knuckles, Rubio's Climate Denial

This week: ABC talks about a "raging debate" over Edward Snowden. They must mean the one that's not on their show. Plus: The New York Times takes a long time to correct a story about Palestinian teen's...

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American TV to Chinese Spies: Do as US Says, Not as US Does

US TV networks played up the FBI's economic espionage charges against China--without mentioning that the NSA does something very similar.

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Brian Williams Frantically Tries to Prove He's No Glenn Greenwald

Before NBC aired its Edward Snowden special, its evening newscast presented a lengthy report presenting the case against the NSA whistleblower.

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Meet the Press's Snowden Debate: Traitor or Criminal?

The main debate about Snowden boiled down to one side saying he's a traitor and the other side saying he should come home and do prison time, perhaps as a lesson to children.

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NPR Presents CIA-Backed Group as Independent Expert on Snowden's 'Harm'

Greenwald called the NPR report "a pure and indisputable case of journalistic malpractice and deceit." It's hard to say he doesn't have a point.

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If Social Media 'Silence Debate,' What Do Corporate Media Do?

A new study has some outlets saying that social media inhibit debate. You want to compare Twitter's record to the corporate media on that score?

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